Water Values Podcast

Water Values Podcast

Latest Episodes

Water Leadership with Pat Mulroy
August 01, 2017

The one and only Pat Mulroy joins The Water Values Podcast for a discussion about water leadership and training the next generation of water leaders. Pat also discusses utilities facing problems, solving those problems, and preparing and planning for the…

Alternative Transfer Methods (ATMs) with James Eklund
July 18, 2017

James Eklund returns as a guest to The Water Values Podcast and discusses alternative transfer methods (ATMs) in this episode, which is a topic requested by a DU law student (sorry it took me so long to get to this…

Investing in Water with Bill Brennan
July 04, 2017

Water investor Bill Brennan joins the podcast and discusses a wide range of water investments, including some historical analysis of the water investment cycle, how he views water investing changing over time, and more. It’s a terrific inside look at…

Spreading Groundwater Knowledge with Steve Baker
June 20, 2017

Hydrogeologist Steve Baker joins us in this episode to discuss educating water well users about their groundwater so they can make decisions and change behaviors based on that knowledge. Steve’s Know Your Water Program creates a profile of water wells…

A Libertarian Viewpoint on Water (Part I) with Peter L. Nelson, P.E.
June 06, 2017

Peter L. Nelson, P.E., joins The Water Values Podcast to discuss a novel approach to water and water rights. Peter teamed up with Professor Walter Block to write Water Capitalism: The Case for Privatizing Oceans, Rivers, Lakes, and Aquifers. Peter…

Dave Speaks. An Interview by Matt Klein
May 16, 2017

TWV #001 guest Matt Klein returns to turn the tables on Dave. Matt and Dave discuss a wide range of issues affecting the water industry, and Matt does a terrific job leading the discussion. Take a listen to Dave on…

Making Connections in the Water Industry with SplashLink Co-Founder Jason Wuliger
May 02, 2017

Splashlink co-founder Jason Wuliger joins The Water Values Podcast to discuss how SplashLink, an online marketplace for the water sector, creates connectivity among sector participants. Jason walks us through how utilities and market participants can u...

Prize Winning Water Innovators & The Problems They Are Solving
April 18, 2017

Episode TWV #100!!! Three prize winning water innovators from around the globe come on The Water Values Podcast to describe their innovations, the problem they sought to solve and how their innovations solve those problems. These innovators are based in…

Fertilizer and Water Quality with Mark Slavens
April 04, 2017

It’s Spring time and that means it’s time to fertilize your lawn. Mark Slavens of Scotts Miracle-Gro joins The Water Values Podcast to discuss how fertilizer affects water quality. Mark shares a tremendous amount of knowledge on fertilizers and tips…

John Fleck on the Importance of Water Journalism and Western Water Myths
March 21, 2017

John Fleck, Director of the University of New Mexico’s Water Resources Program, author and retired water journalist, joins The Water Values Podcast for a discussion of water journalism and why it (and other areas of journalism) are so important to…