Water Values Podcast

Water Values Podcast

Green Infrastructure Issues with Drew Bender

September 15, 2015

Drew Bender of VS Engineering brings over 20 years of experience in green infrastructure issues to our conversation in this episode of The Water Values Podcast. He provides a wide-ranging discussion about green infrastructure, and in particular, constructed wetlands. Drew also poses a fundamental question that should be asked about every infrastructure project so that the project is built as efficiently, from a sustainability standpoint and from an economic standpoint, as possible. Drew also has ideas about whether or not green infrastructure should be mandated by local governments – he approaches this issue with a heavy dose of common sense. You’ll gain a greater appreciation for green infrastructure issues by spending some time listening to Drew.

In this session, you’ll learn about:

A brief history of green infrastructure
The current state of green infrastructure
The purpose of green infrastructure
How local governments have mandated or used cookie cutter approaches to green infrastructure
The questions that should be asked about every infrastructure project involving water so that the project is built as efficiently (both economically and sustainably) as possible

Resources and links mentioned in or relevant to this session include:

VS Engineering’s website
Drew’s email: dbender at vsengineering.com
CV for “Dr. D”
EPA webpage on green infrastructure
EPA flyer on constructed treatment wetlands
YouTube video on constructed wetlands
American Society of Landscape Architects Newsletter featuring constructed wetlands
The Water Values Podcast Show Notes for Session 7 with Dr. Ellen Wohl
The Water Values Podcast Show Notes for Session 58 on the Envision infrastructure rating system with Denise Nelson, Vice President for Public Education with the Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure


Click here to download the Transcript for Session 69 of The Water Values Podcast.

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