Water Values Podcast

Water Values Podcast

Achieving Groundwater Balance with Parjana CEO Greg McPartlin

July 07, 2015

Parjana CEO Greg McPartlin joins The Water Values Podcast to explain and discuss the patented technology that helps replenish groundwater and mitigate surface water problems. Through Parjana’s invention of an “artificial tree root”, surface water is more easily dispersed in the ground and thus achieves groundwater balance. New applications for the Parjana technology occur on a frequent basis, and you’ll be interested to hear how the technology has been applied to date and how it works in this great episode of The Water Values Podcast.

 In this session, you’ll learn about:

Parjana’s “artificial tree root”
The subsurface capillary action created by Parjana’s “artificial tree root”
How the capillary action increases infiltration rate
How the increased infiltration rate facilitates groundwater balance
The technical specifications for the product
The factors affecting design and installation of Parjana’s technology
Where the Parjana technology has been deployed
How agriculture, airports, sports fields, residences, stormwater utilities and others use the Parjana technology

Resources and links mentioned in or relevant to this session include:

Parjana’s website
GroundWorks Water Solutions’ website that has diagrams and illustrations demonstrating how the Parjana technology works
Local news report on a Parjana technology installation
Parjana’s YouTube channel

Click here to download the Transcript for Session 64 of The Water Values Podcast.

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