Water Values Podcast

Water Values Podcast

What’s Behind Water Charges in Ireland? With Terrence McDonough

March 17, 2015

Terrence McDonough, an economics professor at the National University of Ireland in Galway, joins The Water Values Podcast on this St. Patrick’s Day release to discuss one of the most controversial issues surrounding water presently in the world: the implementation of water charges in Ireland. Terry fills us in on how water historically has been paid for by the Irish people, why the model has changed, and what is behind all of the unrest over these charges in Ireland. As Terry explains, it’s a very complicated issue. One far more complex than it appears at first blush.

In this session, you’ll learn about:

How funding for water utilities historically has been collected in Ireland
How water quality is regulated in Ireland
The primary source of water pollution in Ireland
The fragmented nature of water utility service in Ireland
How consolidation of the fragmented systems will occur
Why Irish drinking water systems are predominantly draw from surface water sources
How climate changes is affecting the Irish water supply
Why Ireland is implementing, for the first time, charges for water service
How the new water rates are being set
The political forces impacting Irish water charges
The political unrest concerning the water charges

Resources and links mentioned in or relevant to this session include:

Irish Water website
Right 2 Water opposition website
Terry’s website
One of many Irish Times articles on the Irish water protests (this one by Niamh Hourigan published on February 28, 2015)
New York Times Op-Ed by Fintan O’Toole The Irish Rebellion Over Water (December 19, 2014)
New York Times article by Kate Galbraith on protests over Irish water charges (November 12, 2014)
Andrew Wilson’s Flickr album of pictures from October 12, 2014, Dublin protests over Irish water charges
Jonny Pardoe’s Flickr album of pictures from October 12, 2014, Dublin protests over Irish water charges


Click here to download the Transcript for Session 54 of The Water Values Podcast.

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