Unitarian Universalist: The UU Perspective

Unitarian Universalist: The UU Perspective

COP21 UN Climate Change Conference, UU Young Adults On The Inside! – UUPP 041

December 04, 2015

The COP 21 UN Climate Talks in Paris are where decisions are made...or not among 200 Nations.
How do they get everyone to agree. How will fossil fuels be dealt with. There is so much happening between Nov30- Dec 12 and Aly Tharp and Ethan Bodnaruk are two Young Adult UUs who dig deep into what's happening as they attend the 2015 COP 21. Ethan's Cohert will be inside attending workshops and being directly involved, while Aly will be at the 2nd half attending activist events outside the building in solidarity with others from around the world.

Once they are back I'll bring you a recap of their experience.
Aly's Bio:
Aly Tharp is the staff network coordinator for the UU Young Adults for Climate Justice, a covenanting community of activists aged 18 to 35 years old, supported by the UU Ministry for Earth. Aly graduated from Austin College in May 2012 with a Bachelors of Art in Environmental Studies and has devoted most of her time over the last three and a half years to grassroots movements for environmental and climate justice. Aly resides in North Texas with her family and twelve pets.


Webpage: UU Young Adults for Climate Justice

Twitter: @UUYACJ

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/uuyacj
LinkedIn: Aly Tharp

 Favorite Quote:

"Dream lucid and wide awake" - Gini Von Courter, in a speech she once gave in Texas


 Ethan's Bio:
Ethan Bodnaruk is a Ph.D. Candidate in Ecological Engineering at SUNY-ESF in Syracuse, NY and is a co-leader of the Religions for Peace, North American Interfaith Youth Network.  He is active in Citizens' Climate Lobby which advocates for a revenue neutral carbon fee and will be attending the Paris COP with a small cohort of interfaith youth sponsored by Religions for Peace USA.  He has a MS in Nuclear Engineering from North Carolina State University and a BS in Engineering from Harvey Mudd College.  He lives in snowy Syracuse, NY with his wife and two dogs. 
Webpage: www.ethanbodnaruk.com

Twitter: @ethanbodnaruk

LinkedIn: Ethan Bodnaruk

 Favorite Quote:
"Know the rules well so you know when to break them"  - Gandhi

Other Links:
 The Condor and the Eagle video

Final Credits: music thanks to:

"Carefree", "Open Those Bright Eyes", "Sweeter Vermouth"
Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
