Unitarian Universalist: The UU Perspective

Unitarian Universalist: The UU Perspective

OPUS #3 – Are Your Wishes Fulfilled? -UUPP 034

October 16, 2015

The last installment from the attendees of OPUS. Micaela Corcoran and Brian Tideman share finding Unitarian Universalism, impressions sharing UUism with other, searching for community and connectedness in a foriegn country where UUs are at a minimum, and the experience bridging out.
Opus wishes do come true!  Learn what wishes are!

Micaela Corcoran  - Her first Opus and what she's experienced! She received support, love, fulfilling wishes and more! She discovered UUism at age 14 and for her to "do church in a way that's comfortable."




Brian Tideman - Working overseas teaching English in China, Brian came back to the States to enjoy his last OPUS before bridging out. Learn about his journey living in China were UUs aren't as prevalent and how how he fulfills his need for community.




Final Credits: music thanks to:

"Carefree", "Open Those Bright Eyes", "Sweeter Vermouth"
Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0