Unitarian Universalist: The UU Perspective

Unitarian Universalist: The UU Perspective

OPUS #1 UU Young Adult Elizabeth Mount - UUPP 029

September 11, 2015

Opus is a spiritual retreat and summer camp for Unitarian Universalist Young Adults age 18-35.
They worship, have workshops, touch groups, and social justice oriented activities. It runs 5 days and is held in one area for a 2 year period and then moves on to a new area. The past two years it has been located in the mid Ohio area and I had the opportunity to visit for a few hours and do some love interviews. I heard from YAs in their 20's to one aging out this year and enjoying his final year at Opus. By the way if you wonder what Opus stands for...well it's not an acronym for anything. It's just the name of the group.

This episode you will hear from Elizabeth Mount and Cyllis Dreamer, as he likes to be referred to. Both are activists and they share their experiencesfrom stopping the Shell drilling ship in Portland to mental health support.


Elizabeth - one of the Bridge Climbers of the Shell Drilling protest in Portland Oregon.






Final Credits: music thanks to:

"Carefree", "Open Those Bright Eyes", "Sweeter Vermouth"
Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0