Unitarian Universalist: The UU Perspective

Unitarian Universalist: The UU Perspective

UUPP 027: Ariel Hunt-Brondwin of the Canadian Unitarian Council – Youth and Young Adult Programs

August 28, 2015

Ariel Hunt-Brondwin of the CUC gives insight into the Youth program that crosses borders - GoldMine.
UU Young Adults are expressing there needs and are involved in the creation of the Faith Architects Program to fulfill what they're up to.
What's the story about how UUs in Canada and the U.S. went seperate ways  and were no longer under one umbrella of the UUA?

Ariel Hunt-Brondwin is a life long UU who grew around Vancouver's lower mainland on un-ceaded Coast Salish territories. She currently makes her home in Toronto, Ontario, traditional territory of the Anishnabe, where she serves as the Youth and Young Adult Ministry staff for the Canadian Unitarian Council. Ariel delights in working with the UU youth and young adults of Canada, where she supports both regional and national conference planning as well as congregational Young and Young Adult ministry. This is a great mixture as it provides so many great outlets for creative collaboration with UU keeners and leaders of all ages and experience levels, as well as regular opportunities to participate in the magic of late night circle worships at Cons.
Contact Ariel:
Canadian Unitarian Council (CUC) cuc.ca


Final Credits: music thanks to:

"Carefree", "Open Those Bright Eyes", "Sweeter Vermouth"
Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0