The Union Edge

The Union Edge

Latest Episodes

Informed Action – Tom Balya – What Happens If We Attack the DPRK?
August 10, 2017

This week on Informed Action we have Tom Balya on the program to talk about some of the implications of being aggressive towards the DPRK. We also go over some of ...

Josh Sword – WV AFL-CIO – West Virginia’s Governor Jim Justice Becomes A Republican
August 10, 2017

Josh Sword joins us from West Virginia AFL-CIO to talk about how WV’s Governor has decided to switch parties and become a republican to garner sympathy from Donald Trump. We also ...

The Education Watchdog – Chrissy Cortazzo Settles Three Important Union Contracts
August 10, 2017

This week on The Education Watchdog segment with Butch Santicola, we invite Chrissy Cortazzo on the program to talk about the different collective bargaining campaigns that she is working on for different ...

University of Pittsburgh Grad Students are Organizing To Get A Voice On The Job
August 10, 2017

From Grads Together we have Jeff Cech and Abby Cartus to talk about how the process of organizing University of Pittsburgh Graduate Students is going. They also talk about why ...

Margaret McGill – POLITICO – Sinclair Broadcasting Will Cover 78% of America, and That is Dangerous
August 10, 2017

Margaret McGill from Politico joins us to expose how Sinclair Broadcasting is bending an outdated rule so that they can broadcast to 78% of America. If this loophole didn’t exist, ...

Ron Baker – BCTGM – Boycotting Oreos is Working!
August 09, 2017

BCTGM President Ron Baker joins us to talk about their fight to keep Oreos made in the US. Nabisco doesn’t want to admit it, but the boycott is working!

Just Transitions – Giving Coal Communities A Voice
August 09, 2017

For this weeks episode of Just Transitions, Dr. Patricia DeMarco invites Veronica Coptis, the Executive Director of Coal Field Justice. She discusses their efforts to give communities a voice in ...

The New American Economy: The ingredients in your office building
August 09, 2017

When you buy food, you check the ingredients list to make sure everything inside is up to your standards. What if we could do the same with construction materials? We ...

Emily Holden – POLITICO – Which Republicans Believe In Climate Change?
August 09, 2017

Arguments over climate science is splitting the GOP, Emily Holden reports for Politico.

Craig Harrington – Media Matters – Hannity Says Trump Can Eliminate Unemployment
August 09, 2017

Sean Hannity is running around promising that Trump can deliver an economic impossibility, Craig Harrington reports for Media Matters.