The Union Edge

The Union Edge

Latest Episodes

Bill Spriggs – The Wages of Neglect Part 3
August 31, 2017

Professor of Economics, Bill Spriggs at Howard University joins us for our series The Wages of Neglect based on the series by the same name in The American Prospect. Bill ...

Lawrence Mishel – EPI – The Makeup of Union Membership Has Shifted To Become More Diverse
August 31, 2017

President of the Economic Policy Institute, Lawrence Mishel, joins us to talk about how the membership of unions has shifted from what it was historically. Once dominated by white males, ...

John O’Grady – AFGE – The Trump administration wants to cut EPA’s budget by 30%
August 30, 2017

The Trump administration wants to cut EPA’s budget by 30% – even though its currently only 0.2% of the overall federal budget.  What would this mean for our clean air, ...

Alvina Yeh – APALA – Holding Sec. Elaine Chao Accountable To Communities of Color
August 30, 2017

Alvina Yeh, Executive Director of APALA (Asian Pacific American Alliance) discusses the issues at the top of the list at their biennial convention. They just cosigned a letter asking Sec. ...

David Van Arsdale – Poverty of Work: Selling Servant, Slave and Temporary Labor on the Free Market
August 30, 2017

We talk about the extraordinary growth of temp work with David Van Arsdale, author of the book Poverty of Work: Selling Servant, Slave and Temporary Labor on the Free Market.

The New American Economy – Does automation really kill jobs?
August 30, 2017

Does automation really kill jobs? Dr. Patricia DeMarco discusses manufacturing, robots, and the future of work.

Julie Alderman – Media Matters – EPA Director Doesn’t Fall For Breitbart Ploy
August 30, 2017

EPA Director Scott Pruitt didn’t take the Breitbart bait, Julie Alderman reports for Media Matters.

Berry Craig – KY AFL-CIO – What Do People Think About Unions?
August 30, 2017

Berry Craig joins us from the Kentucky Labor Institute talks about a recent poll about unions as we head into Labor Day.

Doug Cunningham – WIN – St. Louis forced to lower its minimum wage
August 30, 2017

St. Louis became the first city in the country this week to lower their minimum wage, thanks to a new Missouri state law. Doug Cunningham joins us from Workers Independent ...

The Point of Pittsburgh – A Union Contract 14 Years In The Making
August 29, 2017

Rosemary Trump and Charlie McCollester celebrate a university professors’ union contract 14 YEARS in the making, then discuss the history of workers compensation.