The Union Edge

The Union Edge

Latest Episodes

Dan Duncan – Seafarers – Hundreds Of Union Volunteers Being Sent To Puerto Rico
October 03, 2017

Dan Duncan of the Seafarers International Union comes on the program to talk about all the hard work and preparation that went into helping Puerto Rico in the wake of ...

Cristina Lopez – Media Matters – Right Wing Media Reports Fake Strike To Defame Unions
October 03, 2017

Cristina Lopez from Media Matters joins us to report on an issue that seems specially crafted for our program. Right wing fake news outlets reported that Teamster truck drivers had ...

Jasmine Jefferson – SSW – The GOP Tax Plan Is An Attack On Social Security
October 03, 2017

From Social Security Works we have Legislative Director Jasmine Jefferson on the program. She begins talking about the firing of Tom Price after he spent $1 Million of tax payer ...

The District Sentinel – Wells Fargo Has Done Nothing To Fix Their Illegal Account Issue
October 03, 2017

Sam Knight and Sam Sacks of The District Sentinel come on the program to update us on Wells Fargo, who has declared that they haven’t don’t anything to really combat ...

The National Fight for Adjunct Professors
October 02, 2017

Berry Craig joins us in place of Bill Londrigan this week. He discusses the nationwide fight for adjunct professors to unionize, and why the future of our country depend on ...

What about the state budgets?
October 02, 2017

Rick Bloomingdale, President of the Pennsylvania AFL-CIO discusses the Pennsylvania budget and the upcoming Supreme Court hearing on dues requirements.

Will Congress Stabilize Obamacare?
October 02, 2017

Jennifer Habberkorn from POLITICO comes on the program to talk about how there are Democratic and Republican Congress People working together to try and stabilize Obamacare. One of the goals ...

Will you get $721,000 or $60?
October 02, 2017

No, it’s not the lottery. From Media Matters, we have Alex Morash with us to talk about how low income people will see cuts around $60 on their taxes while ...

GOP Tax Plan Is a Plan For The Rich Only
October 02, 2017

Doug Cunningham of Worker’s Independent News joins us to talk about the GOP’s tax reform plan. Doug said he talk to The Economic Policy Institute and they said the plan ...

AFGE District Report
October 02, 2017

Gary Morton and Jan Nation from the EPA out of Philadelphia join us to fill us in on how workers at the EPA are really on the front lines when ...