The Union Edge

The Union Edge

Latest Episodes

American Federation Of Government Employees District Report – Episode 6
October 09, 2017

We have Kim Kraynack-Lambert on the program for the AFGE District Report

Ed Grystar – Coalition for Single Payer – The Single Payer Movement is Growing
October 09, 2017

Ed Grystar from the Coalition for Single Payer comes on the program to talk about how the movement for single payer healthcare is growing quickly despite the media blackout. It ...

Bill Londrigan – KY AFL-CIO – Under Funding of Pensions, A Calculated Attack On Workers
October 09, 2017

Bill Londrigan of the Kentucky AFL-CIO joins us to talk about how the under funding of public pensions seems to either be direct neglect or possibly a means to undermine ...

Mary Bottari – CMD – Gerrymandering Case In SCOTUS Is About Partisanship Which Is Quite Surprising
October 09, 2017

From the Center For Media & Democracy we have Mary Bottari on the program to talk about the gerrymandering case from Wisconsin that The Supreme Court of The United States ...

Breaking Through by Mom’s Rising: Dig Down & Rise Up Even Higher!
October 09, 2017

On the #radio show this week we cover the tragedy in Las Vegas and gun safety in our nation; then our next segment covers voter suppression and the importance of ...

Caitlin Emma – POLITICO – PA Online Charter Schools Have A Graduation Rate of 48%
October 09, 2017

Caitlin Emma of POLITICO comes on the program to discuss online charter schools with us and how the agenda promoting these schools is fueled by Betsy DeVos. She has a ...

Chris Garlock – DC Labor – Paid Family Medical Leave Is An Important Worker’s Right
October 09, 2017

From the DC Labor Council we have Chris Garlock on the program to talk about the importance of paid family leave and the raising of the minimum wage. We need ...

Doug Cunningham – WIN – UAW Fight To Protect Jobs Possibly Lost Through Manufacturing Changes
October 09, 2017

Doug Cunningham of Worker’s Independent News joins us to talk about AT&T workers who have been fighting for 8 months to get a fair union contract. They are demanding job ...

Vets Voice Radio – Boxing Club Helps Vets With PTSD
October 06, 2017

The post Vets Voice Radio – Boxing Club Helps Vets With PTSD appeared first on The Union Edge: Labor's Talk Radio.

Buck Geno & John Rurink – Michigan News and Politics
October 06, 2017

Buck Geno of Work in Progress Radio joins us with special guest John Reurink of MIRS to talk about the latest in Michigan politics and national issues happening around the ...