The Union Edge

The Union Edge

Latest Episodes

Katie Sullivan – Media Matters – Fox & Friends host covers up Trump tax plan’s giveaway to the super rich
October 18, 2017

Fox & Friends host covers up Trump tax plan’s giveaway to the super rich, including the Trump family, Katie Sullivan reports for Media Matters.

Berry Craig – KY AFL-CIO – Community Support for Farm Workers
October 18, 2017

Seven farm workers in Kentucky are striking in protest of the blatant wage theft they’ve been subjected to for the last three years – and community members are coming out ...

Doug Cunningham – WIN Labor Roundup
October 18, 2017

Grad student workers at the University of Chicago are holding a unionization vote today, APWU is hosting a protest in Boston, and the CWA is holding strong, Doug Cunningham reports ...

The Labor Intensive – Displaced Workers In Their Many Forms
October 17, 2017

Rosemary Trump and Charlie McCollester join us for the The Labor Intensive. They highlight workers’ stories of outsourced manufacturing and technological replacements and more.

John Kennnedy – LWV – Literally Running Around A Gerrymandered District
October 17, 2017

Also joining us from the League of Women Voters, John Kennedy discusses how he came to instigate first a chalk outline and then a 5k run along the lines of ...

Alex Nuesse – LWV – Gerrymandering Has Been Amplified by Technology
October 17, 2017

Gerrymandering isn’t a new problem, but it’s been amplified by the use of technology. Perhaps no state has felt this more that North Carolina, where a the validity of one ...

Daniel Lippman – POLITICO – ¾ Of People in Puerto Rico Still Don’t Have Power
October 17, 2017

POLITICO reporter, Daniel Lippman joins us to talk about how Trump has said that the military shouldn’t be distributing goods to the people of Puerto Rico. This is all while ...

Craig Harrington – Media Matters – Trump’s Attacks On Legacy News Are Very Problematic
October 17, 2017

Craig Harrington from Media Matters comes on the show to talk to us about how news veteran Bob Schieffer had pointed out that Trump’s attacks on legacy news organizations undermines ...

Linda Benesch – Social Security Works – GOP Tax Reform Will Hit Medicare Hard
October 17, 2017

From Social Security Works we have Linda Benesch on the program to talk about the tax reform bills that are going through the House and Senate right now. In the ...

The District Sentinel – Legislation on Credit Reporting Is Coming Soon After The Equifax Breach
October 17, 2017

Sam Knight and Sam Sacks form The District Sentinel join us to talk about the fallout from the Equifax breach. It is still unclear what is going to happen in ...