The Union Edge

The Union Edge

Latest Episodes

Bernie Becker – POLITICO – GOP Tax Plan Unfair To Lower Class
November 06, 2017

Bernie Becker from POLITICO comes on the program to further discuss the GOP tax bill and how it is a pretty unfair bill for the lower class.

Katie Sullivan – Media Matters – Trump Brags About Gutting Obamacare
November 06, 2017

Katie Sullivan of Media Matters joins us to talk about how Trump is bragging about cutting the legs out from under Obamacare.

Doug Cunningham – WIN – Very Large Strike in Sacramento Looms
November 06, 2017

From Worker’s Independent News we have Doug Cunningham on the program to talk about Volkswagen’s case with the NLRB that contests the mic-union in their Tennessee plant. We also cover ...

Buck Geno – WIP Radio – Lower Class Americans Won’t See Benefits Of GOP Tax Plan
November 03, 2017

Buck Geno of Work in Progress Radio joins us to talk about the impact removing the local and state income tax deduction will have on many middle and lower class ...

Bernie Becker – POLITICO – The Basics of The GOP Tax Plan
November 03, 2017

POLITICO Reporter Bernie Becker joins us to talk about the recent release of the GOP House Tax Plan, the scope of what it might look like, and where you can ...

Craig Harrington – Media Matters – Tinfoil Hat Awards
November 03, 2017

Media Matters Associate Research Director Craig Harrington joins us to announce this week’s winners of the Tinfoil Hat Awards! You’re not going to want to miss this week’s valuable lesson, ...

Doug Cunningham – WIN – Billionaires Control The Media
November 03, 2017

Doug Cunningham of Workers Independent News joins us to talk about billionaires controlling the news media, Kentucky public workers protesting to protect their pensions and retirement, the National Union for ...

Informed Action – Trump Signs Bill That Takes Away Consumer Rights
November 02, 2017

Today on Informed Action with Allen Kukovich and Tom Balya they follow up on a conversation they had with Will Attig of The Union Veterans Council about legislation that Trump ...

PTF Local 400 – What Teachers Need To Get The Job Done Right
November 02, 2017

From the Pittsburgh Federation of Teachers Local 400 we have Nina Esposito-Visgitis, Bill Hileman, and Harold Grant on the program to talk about the needs of local schools. We go ...

Kim Hefling – POLITICO – Koch Bothers Push School Choice To Take Funds From Public Schools
November 02, 2017

Kim Hefling of POLITICO comes on the program to talk about the KOCH Brother’s Libra Initiative which has a goal of pushing school of choice which takes money out of ...