The Union Edge

The Union Edge

Latest Episodes

The Education Watchdog – Betsy DeVos is Rumored To Resign Because No One Can Work With Her
November 09, 2017

This week on the Education Watchdog with Butch Santicola we talk about the rumors that Betsy DeVos may resign, the reworking of the way that teachers can be fired, and ...

Liza Mundy – Code Girls – Who Were The Women Breaking Codes In WWII
November 09, 2017

Author of the book Code Girls, Liza Mundy joins us to discuss what her most recent book is about. Code Girls is about 10,000 women who where hired by the ...

Rachana Pradhan – POLITICO – Maine Voted To Expand Obamacare
November 09, 2017

From POLITICO, we have Rachana Pradhan on the program to talk about a ballot initiative in Maine that passed. This initiative mandates that Obamacare is expanded in their state, but ...

Alex Kaplan – Media Matters – Google Is Still Spreading Fake News
November 09, 2017

Alex Kaplan of Media Matters talks to us about how Google Adsense is still putting out fake news despite the fact they they said there were combating it. Part of ...

Hedirck Smith – Women Are The Real Winners Of The 2017 Elections
November 09, 2017

Author of the website Reclaim The American Dream, Hedrick Smith, joins us to talk about the results of the 2017 election. He talks to us about the large amount of ...

Exploring Labor’s Concerns – November, 8 2017
November 08, 2017

The post Exploring Labor’s Concerns – November, 8 2017 appeared first on The Union Edge: Labor's Talk Radio.

The Legal Checkup – The Minority Workforce
November 08, 2017

Vince Quatrini interviews Guillermo Perez, union organizer and labor educator for the Labor Council for Latin American Advancement here in Pittsburgh. Mr. Perez describes LCLAA’s importance in the Pittsburgh community ...

Lynn Cherry – Just Transitions – Teaching Children to Love The Planet
November 08, 2017

This week on Just Transitions with Dr Patty DeMarcco, she invites Lynn Cherry on the program. Lynn is an author and illustrator of children books that are often focused around ...

Mary Bottari – PR Watch – 1/3 of Voters Saw Fake News During the 2016 Election
November 08, 2017

From PR Watch and The Center For Media and Democracy we have Mary Bottari with us to discuss how much fake news really was out there during the presidential election. ...

Arthur Allen – POLITICO – Online Video Medical House Calls
November 08, 2017

POLITICO reporter Arthur Allen comes on the program to talk about a hospital he visited that exclusively sees patients remotely.