The Union Edge

The Union Edge

Latest Episodes

Celeste Drake – AFL-CIO – Wanting To Renegotiate NAFTA is NOT a Republican Ideal, It is a Worker Ideal
November 13, 2017

Celeste Drake from the AFL-CIO joins us to talk about NAFTA renegotiations. An important point that is often overlooked in this debate is that wanting to renegotiate NAFTA is not ...

Berry Craig – KY AFL-CIO – Kentucky’s Public Pensions Are Under Attack
November 13, 2017

From the Kentucky AFL-CIO we have Berry Craig on the program to follow up on the issue with Kentucky’s public pension program. The Governor wants to pass a bill that ...

Micheal Kruse – POLITICO – Some People Still Support Trump After He Doesn’t Help Them
November 13, 2017

POLITICO reporter Michael Kruse joins us to talk about why people in Johnstown, PA still support Trump a year after the election, even though they admit to seeing no benefits ...

Cristina Lopez – Media Matters – Sponsors Pull Ads From Sean Hannity’s Show
November 13, 2017

Cristina Lopez of Media Matters comes on the program to talk about how advertisers are pulling their sponsorship from Sean Hannity’s program on Fox News because of his increasing instability ...

Chris Garlock – DC Labor – Billionaire Closes Business to Send Message To Workers that Unionize
November 13, 2017

From the DC Labor Council we have Chris Garlock on the program to talk about what is happening in organized labor as it pertains the news organizations. One of the ...

Doug Cunningham – WIN – Possible Constitutional Convention Orchestrated By The Kochs
November 13, 2017

Doug Cunningham of Workers Independent News joins us to talk about congressmen Roy Moore, his allegations of pedophilia as well s sexual assault, and how many believe he is guilty. ...

Buck Geno – Work In Progress Radio – Politicians Need To Show They Care About Veterans
November 10, 2017

Buck Geno joins us to talk about how our politicians need to do better at taking care of our veterans. He talks about how it seems that things haven’t changed ...

J David Cox – AFGE – Fighting HR4242 on Veterans Day
November 10, 2017

On Veterans Day, J David Cox joins us from AFGE to discuss HR4242, a bill called “More About Choice” that Cox says is actually anti-choice. Veterans deserve the highest quality, ...

Informed Action – There Are Many Good Things That Came Out Of The 2017 Elections
November 09, 2017

Informed Action with Tom Balya focuses on the 2017 elections and how there are really some positives to look at, but we still need to be vigilant in fighting for ...

Josh Sword – WV AFL-CIO – Getting Local Jobs in West Virginia
November 09, 2017

Josh Sword of what West Virginia AFL-CIO joins us to an infrastructure bond that passed and how the AFL-CIO is really pushing to get these jobs to be filled by ...