The Union Edge

The Union Edge

Latest Episodes

Bill Londrigan – KY AFL-CIO – State Pension Issue Still A Huge Ordeal
December 18, 2017

Bill Londrigan, president of the Kentucky AFL-CIO, discusses state pensions.

Breaking Through by MomsRising: Hope in the Holidays
December 18, 2017

On the radio show this week we talk about hope in the holidays — and how to find more hope and joy in this often stressful season; we cover transformative ...

Craig Harrington – Media Matters – Alex Jones Claims Dems Bussed People To Alabama To Vote Against Moore
December 18, 2017

Craig Harrington joins us from Media Matters to report on Alex Jones’s latest conspiracy theory: Democrats stole the election from Roy Moore by busing people in and having dead people ...

Chris Garlock – DC Labor Council – Holiday Airport Worker Strike
December 18, 2017

Chris Garlock joins us from the DC Labor Council to discuss an impeding airport workers’ strike and some things unions are doing to help their communities over the holidays.

Doug Cunningham – The Winners and Losers of the GOP Tax Plan
December 18, 2017

Labor reporter Doug Cunningham discusses the winners of the tax bill (the Trump family, multinational corporations, private schools and those who can afford them) and the losers (people who need ...

Buck Geno & Tom Good – Retired NLRB Board Member Discusses The NLRB Itself
December 15, 2017

Buck Geno of Work in Progress Radio invites retired NLRB board member Tom Good on the program to talk about how the pendulum of workers rights has swung from left ...

Deb Kline – Cleveland JWJ – Which AT&T Stores are Union and Which are Not?
December 15, 2017

From Cleveland Jobs with Justice we have Deb Kline on the program to explain which AT&T stores are union and which are not, as well as their continuing effort to ...

Laura Wiens – PPT – Pittsburghers For Public Transit Wins Routs Back for Communities In Need
December 15, 2017

Laura Wiens of Pittsburghers for Pubic Transit joins us to talk about their effort to fight for better public transit in Pittsburgh. They have brought routs back to 6 communities ...

Informed Action – Who Won The Dems Alabama?
December 14, 2017

This week on Informed Action with Tom Balya and Allen Kukovich we go over the Democratic win in Alabama, as well as the repeal of Net Neutrality.

Levi Allen – UMWA – What Are Coal Workers Fighting For Right Now?
December 14, 2017

From the United Mine Workers of America we have Levi Allen, Secretary Treasurer of the union on the program to talk about the things that the mine workers are fighting ...