The UAV Digest

The UAV Digest

404 Drones Not UFOs

May 27, 2022

The Navy says they were drones not UFOs, an air assault experiment with a drone swarm, drone deployment planned for Africa, a drone that kills wasps, flying in the wind with deep learning, the unique view from above, and Walmart drone delivery service expansion.

UAV News
Navy Ships Swarmed By Drones, Not UFOs, Defense Officials Confirm

The U.S. Navy says the objects detected in 2019 off the California coast were drones. This comes from statements by Department of Defense officials at the recent House hearing on UFOs.

28-Drone Swarm Just Led The Way For A Simulated Air Assault Mission

At the 2022 Experimental Demonstration Gateway Exercise (EDGE 22) in Utah, the U.S. Army conducted an experiment where one operator controlled a swarm of 28 drones controlled through a mesh tactical network. The swarm searched for simulated enemy positions and sent back tactical data. The swarm was overseen by a surrogate for the Army’s Future Attack Recon Aircraft (FARA).

Wingcopter to deploy 12,000 delivery drones across sub-Saharan Africa

German drone delivery company Wingcopter and Continental Drones, a subsidiary of Ghana- and Dubai-based Atlantic Trust Holding, announced a partnership where they plan to build a network of 12,000 Wingcopter 198 drones in Africa. They’ll deliver health care products such as medicine, vaccines, and laboratory samples. The drones will be deployed over five years, starting in 2023 and the network will span 49 sub-Saharan countries.

Wasp-Killing spray drone finds new frontiers

AeroPest has created a precision spraying drone called the Hummingbird. It can be used to control elevated pests like wasps with an articulating nozzle. Other applications can apply liquid at any height, including de-icing fluid and industrial machinery lubrication. The system should be available 3rd quarter of 2022.

Neural-Fly Improves Drones’ Wind-Speed Capability – U.S. Study

California Institute of Technology (Caltech) engineers have created Neural-Fly, which uses deep-learning technology to allow drones can react to unexpected wind conditions in real-time. Research scientist Soon-Jo Chung explained: “The issue is that the direct and specific effect of various wind conditions on aircraft dynamics, performance, and stability cannot be accurately characterised as a simple mathematical model.” So they employ a technique called “separation” where the neural network is “pre-trained” and only a small number of parameters need to be altered in real-time.

Th-airs something you don’t see every day! Drone snaps reveal extraordinary sights only visible from above – from a crashed airplane to a 200ft stuffed rabbit

Aerial photographs reveal things that cannot be appreciated from the ground. This article presents photos including the Pegasus Airlines plane that went off the runway in Turkey, a 200-foot rabbit that was an art installation in Italy, a selfie from the top of a wind turbine, and many others.

Walmart is expanding its drone deliveries to reach 4 million households

Walmart intends to offer drone-delivered packages from 34 stores by the end of 2022 from stores in Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Texas, Utah, and Virginia. Items must weigh less than 10 pounds and orders will be taken between 8 AM and 8 PM. A $3.99 delivery charge will be applied to the service provided by DroneUp.
