The Toxic People Detox

Overcoming Abusive Relationships with Tamuri Richardson
“We all from one time or another, find ourselves in some type of toxic relationship. There should be no dishonor in that it happens. We don't always know the person. I think you dishonor yourself when you know, and you can do better and you don't do better.” Tamuri Richardson
Tamuri Richardson is an expert Motivational Speaker, She is a Speaking Presenter for NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) with the goal to help fight the stigmas of Mental Illness, shes an award winning Toastmasters International Speaker and an Author, she just finished writing her 2nd book, 1st Novel entitled “ Trusting Someone Else’s Heart” its an autobiographical story of how she overcame betrayal, domestic violence and dishonor in her marriage and rebuilt herself into a much better version of herself.
She speaks on Women Empowerment, Social Issues, Domestic Violence and encouraging the need to Standing up for yourself in all facets of life.
Facebook page: TLeanne Speaking Pros, LLC has a list of Radio interviews, YouTube and Podcast, interviews on the topic that can encourage anyone going through this type of trauma.