The Toxic People Detox

The Toxic People Detox

Latest Episodes

The Final Lesson
November 30, 2020

Thank you everyone! Take care of yourselves.

Building Your Defenses
November 30, 2020

The best offense is a great defense.

Dealing with Toxic Staff
November 02, 2020

This is the first of the last three episodes of this podcast. Today, I tackle a listener question. How does a supervisor deal with toxic staff?

Coping Strategies for Toxic Situations with Dr. Ron Dalrymple
July 27, 2020

Each person has inside them an enormous capability and creative power which theyve probably never begun to imagine. We must start working toward that to bring that forth. Dr. Ron Dalrymple D

Overcoming Abusive Relationships with Tamuri Richardson
July 20, 2020

We all from one time or another, find ourselves in some type of toxic relationship. There should be no dishonor in that it happens. We don't always know the person. I think you dishonor yourself when

Stop Dating the Same Type of Person with Melissa Snow
July 13, 2020

I wasted most of my 20s and 30s looking for love in all the wrong places, until eventually I hit rock bottom. All the love I so desperately wanted from someone else was already inside me."

Still the Mind with Quinn Barrett
July 06, 2020

Sometimes when we're trying to be in motion and make things happen in our life, if we don't have the clarity, we can't see it. Quinn Barret Quinn Barrett is an author and speaker who teaches

Self-Care Series – Reinventing Yourself
July 01, 2020

In today's episode, I discuss 3 tips to focus on reinventing yourself. Highlights include Pivoting vs. starting from scratch Examples of people who have changed their career path even in the face of economic crises

Seeing Yourself in Other People with Royce Morales
June 29, 2020

If we release that energetic hold that we have on someone, everything can shift. The way we perceive them shifts. Their actions might shift. Our reaction to them might shift. We're left with love an

Self-Care Series: Rebuilding Broken Dreams
June 25, 2020

What type of content do you want to hear more of? Send me an email with a suggestion or question and I will cover your topic. I am open for coaching in the summe
