The Third Person with Darrell Hammond and Chris Millhouse

Episode 16 - Brooks Wheelan
Former SNL Cast Member Brooks Wheelan joins the guys for this episode! Brooks talks about going from his job as a Scientist to being hired by SNL, the heartbreak of only being on the show for one season, and traveling during the pandemic. If you're an SNL fan, this episode is right up your alley as Darrell & Brooks chop it up about their experiences working on the legendary show! Plus Darrell gives us incite on what meeting & interacting with Donald Trump is like, and Brooks throws us a fun story about dealing with campsite crashers during a pandemic! Please don't forget to give us a rating & drop us a comment about the show on iTunes or Spotify! AND add us on social media: @DarrellcHammond, @ChrisMillhouse, & @BrooksWheelan! NOTE: This episode was recorded back in September and may contain dated discussion about the pandemic & election.