The Terry & Jesse Show
24 Dec 2020 – Pope Benedict Calls for a Christmas Truce During World War I
Today's Topics:
1) Gospel - Luke 1:67-79 The daybreak from on high has visited us.
Bishop Sheen quote of the day
1a] Pope Benedict calls fora Christmas truce during World War I
2-3]Keeping the Memory of Christmas and Resisting the Siren Call of Our Culture Randy Hain December 25, 2014 -
3-4] CATHOLIC 101 By length, Christmas is one of the shortest liturgical seasons of the Church calendar, but it's also one of its most unique. Michael Heinlein writes: “Within it is the eight-day celebrationof the Lord’s Nativity — known as the Christmas octave — as well as otherfeasts pertaining to the manifestation that Jesus is Lord of the nations. And there are feasts of several saints, many of whose stories contain special significance to the season” -