The Tech Ranch
Drones, Divorce & Net Neutrality
Drone Camp for Kids
Drone Camp for Kids 2017 was held this past weekend at the airport hanger in Tioga, North Dakota. The Guru of Geek attended the weekend festivities as a guest speaker and fellow drone lover. The two day event was host to about 100 participants and was the perfect opportunity to encourage young people to join the Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts & Math (STEaM) crusade across the nation. Dennis Lindahl, founder of the event, is making headway in making Tioga the “Drone Capital for Kids” by bringing the excitement of technology and drones to the area. According to the Guru of Geek, the most amazing thing about the camp is watching how quickly the kids pick up on flying drones and seeing their faces light up as they gain knowledge about the possibilities drone technology can offer them for their future careers. Until next year, fly safe fellow Dronians!
Getting a Divorce? There’s an App for That!
Admit it. Every time you hear the word “divorce” you automatically think of the Tammy Wynettte song and start singing those twanging heart-wrenching lyrics. Even if the lyrics roll off your tongue, the subject is often a stressful and nerve racking time for people. Lawyers, litigation, paperwork, phone calls. Virga Law Firm in Pensacola successfully deal with such cases. Keeping track of every piece of information is overwhelming. However, like every thing in the 21st Century, there is a new way for clients of divorce to see what’s going on and possibly save some money by doing some of the paperwork themselves. How? Through the use of an app. Divorce–there is now an app for that too.
Krista Andrews is co-founder of a company called PartUs whose goal is to revolutionize the way divorce is handled. Krista is a 20 year veteran in family law from law firm in Montreal. Through her experiences, she noticed a pattern of similarities between her clients. Many questions and concerns centered around the divorce process. Clients also wondered how they could save money while going through a divorce. With these ideas in mind, along with many more, Krista teamed up with 20-year veteran software developer Tim Brookins to create an app to help alleviate some of the stress of divorce by allowing the clients to participate and do some of the work themselves. Krista agrees this process is a bit unconventional and some attorneys might struggle with not being in total control. However, Krista feels it’s a good way for the attorney/client relationship to flourish and ease some of the workload for the attorney and their staff. Krista says “the goal of PartUs is to help attorneys streamline the divorce process” by involving the clients more and sharing the information almost immediately. The app is still in testing phase within a few organizations but is having successful feedback.
Other Tech News
The Guru of Geek gave a special !!WARNING TO PARENTS!! about an chat app their kids might be using called Kik. It appears the app is being used mostly by teenagers and is apparently the #1 way for sexual predators find victims. Police across the world are warning parents about the dangers the app is presenting to the safety of children.