The Sunshine Gardening Podcast

The Sunshine Gardening Podcast

E25- How to Control Spring Weeds in the Kentucky Lawn

March 04, 2024

In today's episode, episode 25, we'll discuss a topic that every homeowner thinks about as spring approaches: weed control on the lawn. We will speak with an expert and UK Extension Associate in Turfgrass, Kenneth Clayton, about common spring lawn weeds found in Kentucky, pre-emergent herbicides and how they work, and the optimal timing to control grassy weeds effectively. We will also recommend helpful resources to help control spring weeds on Kentucky lawns.

So, grab your gardening gloves and favorite beverage, and let's learn how to transform your yard into the envy of the neighborhood. Let's get started!

Episode 25 Information:

Get ready because Kenneth Clayton is returning in the next episode to share all the dos and don'ts for spring lawn care in Kentucky! Keep an eye out for this exciting segment in the future!

That concludes another episode of the Sunshine Gardening Podcast! We hope you enjoyed learning about spring weed control and gained valuable insights to help you tackle those pesky invaders in your Kentucky lawn. A big shout-out to our guest, Kenneth Clayton, for joining us today! To access the show notes for episode 25, please visit our blog at!

Before we wrap up, please subscribe to our podcast for more gardening wisdom, tips, and inspiration delivered straight to your ears. If you have any questions, feedback, or topics you'd like us to cover in future episodes, please don't hesitate to contact us.

As always, we wish you happy gardening, and may your spring be filled with vibrant blooms, lush lawns, and the satisfying feeling of nurturing nature right in your backyard.

Until next time, this is Kristin Hildabrand signing off. Keep growing, thriving, and listening to the Sunshine Gardening Podcast!

Other helpful resources:

Turfgrass Weed Control for Professionals, Purdue Extension: TURF-100-W22.pdf (

University of Kentucky Plant & Soil Sciences Turfgrass Information: Home | Turfgrass Science (