The Story Behind Her Success

The Story Behind Her Success

Meredith Atwood -104

February 17, 2020

I never listened to my intuition. I did what I was expected to do. I made other people proud. That was how I lived my life. -Meredith Atwood

Meredith Atwood remembers working very hard to get into law school, knowing all the while that being a lawyer was not what she was meant to do with her life. She did it anyway. The years flew by, she married her college sweetheart, had babies, and was making lots of money as an attorney, but somewhere deep down inside, Meredith had lost her way. One morning, after drinking too much wine and binging on pizza and ice cream, the triathlete just couldn’t get out of bed. She didn’t even remember the promise she had made to her daughter to help with a project before school. Instead, she pulled the covers over her head and slept through the entire morning. When she woke up, she found a note from her husband with four powerful words on it: GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER. Says Meredith: “When you are in a state of emotional despair, you are not living your authentic life. You are sick.” And so began an open, painfully honest 365 day experiment which is now the title of her book: The Year of No Nonsense: How to get over yourself and on with your life.” Published by Hatchette Books, it reads like a journal and is both heartbreaking and hysterically funny, all at the same time. Determined to figure out what was working in her life and what wasn’t, Meredith gave up both her legal career and drinking wine, and set about the task of adjusting her compass. The result is a book that resonates for any woman who has also lost her way. In this candid interview, Meredith shares her belief that we all suffer losses throughout our lives, but “getting over the past requires seeing it, acknowledging it, and then saying to yourself: hey, I can do nothing about that. I only have today, so let’s get on with it.” For 23 minutes of truth and wisdom, just hit that download button. #yearofnononsense #storybehindhersuccess #triathletes