The Storied Recipe

186 Towards a Better Listener Experience: Join Me for a Call in 2025
Click here to schedule a feedback chat with me in February!
Hello and Happy New Year!
2025 is a big year for The Storied Recipe.
For starters, I’m expanding my mission to help families create their own heritage cookbooks through a process that is doable, joyful, and even healing. Throughout a December of traveling, then returning home and jumping back into hosting, I continued to work almost every day on both researching and creating materials towards this goal. And beginning January 20th, 4 women are joining me to walk through the process of creating their dream legacy cookbook using the framework and approach that I’m developing.
In the meantime, while I’m expanding the mission of The Storied Recipe in 2025, I’m also returning to my roots and turning my attention back to the podcast.
If you’ve been following for a while, you know that I put the podcast on hold two years ago to focus on my website, turning it into a profitable food blog sharing my guest’s recipes and stories. This was a great move, as it gave me the income to hire an amazing assistant, who in turn has given me the freedom to focus on this new mission.
But the podcast has languished in the last two years. I believe it’s time to take the great concept of my podcast the delight I take in creating it and turn both of those into a polished, consistent, exciting listening and learning experience for all of my listeners in every single episode. It’s time for me to become an expert in the craft of podcasting.
Again, throughout December, I’ve been working on that also by taking a course, doing a lot of reflection - quite uncomfortable reflection, I might add - chatting with other podcasters who are farther along in their journey, and listening to shows that are providing the experience to their listeners that I want to provide to you.
And now it’s time for Phase II - to gather the most important feedback there is, which is feedback from YOU. I know a lot of you see potential in the podcast, you believe in the concept, and you even believe in me - and I want you to have you an opportunity to have a say in the direction of the show going forward.
I’ve opened up a handful of slots in my February calendar to talk to listeners, and I’d love for you to be one of them.
These 30 minute calls will help me get to know more about what you like about the show, what we could do more (or less) of, and how to make this the best show it can possibly be.
It can also be a chance for you to ask me any questions you’ve wondered about while listening
Don’t worry, I’m not trying to sell or pitch you on anything - I don’t even have anything to sell at the moment. I’m just looking to make some genuine connections with listeners of the show.
If you’re open to chatting, just go to the link in the show notes or head to URL.
Seriously, this is one of the most valuable things you can do to support the show.
Click here to schedule a feedback chat with me in February!
Or just email me at
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