The Speaker Coach

The Speaker Coach

Latest Episodes

Presence -014
November 24, 2020

No matter who I’m coaching, no matter what industry he or she works in, there is one everyone wants: presence. There’s a certain magic in the word, don’t you think? The idea of possessing presence is a little controversial,

How To Be Heard in a Meeting -013
November 04, 2020

Have you ever been in a meeting and you feel like your voice is just not being heard? Coach Candy to the rescue with some tips and techniques that will help you be heard, and noticed in a meeting. This episode is focused on women,

Voicemail -012
October 07, 2020

Consider this episode a brief tutorial on voicemail best practices, including how to create a memorable outgoing message, and how to leave the kind of message for someone else that guarantees a call back. Like any other communication skill,

The Secret Ingredient -011
September 23, 2020

There are many skills and talents that when combined together, create a compelling communicator. In this episode, we briefly explore the value of a great sounding voice, being attractive, writing well, the valuable art of storytelling, taking risks,

Masks & Your Ability to Communicate -010
August 28, 2020

Current CDC regulations are designed to help us stop the spread of COVID-19, but wearing a mask affects our ability to communicate effectively. In this episode, you’ll learn how to harness your body language as well as your vocal ability to break throu...

Mastering Your Elevator Pitch -009
August 14, 2020

There’s a new expectation in our world when it comes to communicating. What you say needs to be fast because nobody has time anymore. That’s why getting really efficient at expressing yourself in a short period of time is such a valuable communication ...

Zoom Like A Pro -008
July 31, 2020

Raise your hand if you are sick of Zoom? Me, too. The fact is, millions of people have been working remotely throughout the pandemic and it is likely that even when things get back to normal, virtual meetings will be an accepted way of doing business.

How To Take Care Of Your Voice -007
July 17, 2020

If you use your voice to earn a living, you really need to learn how to take care of it. Over use of your speaking voice causes strain and can damage your vocal cords, also known as vocal folds. In this quick episode,

Microphones -006
July 02, 2020

This episode is all about microphones and how to use them. As a recording artist and major market broadcaster, I always like to tell people that I’ve never met a microphone I didn’t love! But that’s not true for most people. Being handed a microphone,

Vocal Variety -005
June 17, 2020

What is vocal variety and how can you get some in your speaking voice? Vocal variety is a communications skill that enables the speaker to engage the listener by using different speeds and tones while talking.
