Motivation, Inspiration, Purpose, Passion, from The Space Between with Sean McClellan

Motivation, Inspiration, Purpose, Passion, from The Space Between with Sean McClellan

Motivation From Radical Acceptance

May 07, 2024

I heard a speech the other day at Toastmasters from one of our members titled Radical Acceptance.   I started thinking about the word acceptance and how every human being is seeking that in some form or fashion.  We all desire to be accepted by a group or tribe of people.  You should also start accepting the decisions that have led you to where you are right now in your life.  Sometimes you will be forced to change due to some of your choices.  Transformation takes a lot of work and it isn’t easy to build new habits into your life. If you don’t do anything, nothing will change in your life if you continue to go through the motions and you have settled and accepted the fact that this is just the way life is. When you realize that you are not everybody’s cup of tea, you can then start to build your tribe and you will have loyal listeners on this podcasting journey.  What are you accepting today that needs to change in your life? Action will cure any fear you have of doing something great in this life! Change the script and start asking yourself what the future you be doing.  Would future me do this, and then answer the question.   Do the hard thing now so things will be easy later. When you are ready to get some momentum in regards to your story, and your message! Lets have a conversation!
