Motivation, Inspiration, Purpose, Passion, from The Space Between with Sean McClellan

Motivation, Inspiration, Purpose, Passion, from The Space Between with Sean McClellan

Motivation From Coloring Outside The Lines

April 30, 2024

We have all been trained to conform in this life.  As kids we are taught to stay inside the lines, conform, don’t go outside the lines because you are going to get in trouble.  I have never been one to stay inside the lines, and I have never been one to stay in a box and conform to somebody else’s idea of who I should be. Why would you wan to be somebody else when you were created in the perfect image of God. You are making other people way too comfortable.  If you feel like you cant share your goals or dreams with the people you are hanging out with it might be time to take a closer look at your life and your inner circle.  Are you gonna continue to shrink yourself down to those around you, or are you going to start pushing that rock up the hill!  Can you say that you gave your dream a fair chance?  When you are ready to start coloring outside the lines, lets have a conversation.
