Motivation, Inspiration, Purpose, Passion, from The Space Between with Sean McClellan

Motivation, Inspiration, Purpose, Passion, from The Space Between with Sean McClellan

Motivation From Not Staying Stuck

May 03, 2024

Are you where you want to be in life, or are you in the same exact place you have been for the last few years? When you realize their is so much more to life than what is current displayed to you then you are starting to get curious about how different life can be for you. You will need to eliminate distractions at the highest level to ensure you can focus on your goal without interruptions.  You should not invest any time on things that don’t serve your purpose and calling here in this life.  Being stuck will allow guilt and shame to supersede your life and this is not of God.  You will need to release these things and stop carrying around the mistakes of your past. The pain of moving forward was less than the pain of staying where I was.  Are you tired of being where you are?  Start setting boundaries with your time to ensure you can capitalize on those pockets to move the needle forward every single day!  When you get to the point where you don want surface level stuff in your life you can then begin to be truly free.  Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.  What are you watching?  What are you reading?  What are you thinking about most days?  Start journaling what you are thinking about so you can have some clarity. When you are ready for some clarity, lets have a conversation!
