The Sleep Forum Podcast

The Sleep Forum Podcast

Podcast: Don’t suffer. This FDA approved sleep test can diagnose, treat and monitor at home

July 26, 2022

By Ruth Marion

In this podcast with Dr. Chelsie Rohrscheib, head sleep expert at Wesper, Rohrscheib begins by telling the audience that, “I comes from a neuroscience background with a heavy concentration in sleep.  I went from general sleep science to clinical sleep apnea, I’ve consulted to sleep technology companies and I’ve worked with corporations on fatigue management programs for their employees.”  Rohrscheib holds a bachelor’s degree in Biomedical Science with Honours and a PhD in Neuroscience with a specialty in sleep genetics. She is a sleep consultant with over 10 years of experience in the field of sleep.

“Wow, so you’ve been in every area of sleep science possible, says Marion.  Now, let’s hear about Wesper”.

“I’ll start by saying that Wesper is a home sleep testing company, a level 3 sleep diagnostic device, and a long term wellness device as well.”

With a level 3 sleep study, you use a sleep study kit at home that records your breathing activity, oxygen levels, and heart rate throughout the course of the night(s). Based on this activity, a level 3 sleep study tests your snoring and airflow and diagnoses if you have obstructive sleep apnea.

Rohrscheib recommends that clients wear the device to get an accurate reading.  Some nights are better than others.  The more data the better the results.  We spoke about how Wesper also offers advice to their clients on improving their sleep hygiene or handling other sleep issues they might have.  It is an all inclusive sleep support system.  It has been proven that those patients who receive long term support are themes successful with the treatment of their sleep disorder, especially sleep apnea.

Rohrscheib tells us that Wesper offers two pathways to patients.  If they want, they can start with their wellness device.  The Wesper wellness device will give a good indication if their is a problem and refer the person to the diagnostic test.

Once the diagnostic test gathers enough data, a team of doctors will be able to accurately say what the person’s breathing looks like and the diagnosis will be much more accurate.

A meeting will be set up with Rohrscheib or another team physician to discuss the results of the test and recommend a treatment based on factors such as the severity of the breathing disorder and the patient’s lifestyle choices. The important thing is to find a treatment that not only works but that a patient will use.

After the treatment is prescribed, it is recommended that the at home sleep test is utilized often to make sure the treatment is working and the person is adhering to therapy.

The patient has access to their own information each morning which helps keep them motivated and compliant to use the recommended treatment.  Physicians have more detailed information on the back end about the person’s breathing to help guide them to prescribe the right therapy and monitor the patients progress.

Last question for anyone who is thinking that Wesper is just another sleep tracker.  It is not.  Marion asks, “what makes Wesper different than your everyday sleep tracker”?  Rohrscheib says, “Wesper gives similar metrics but is so much more!  Wesper is FDA approved to diagnose sleep apnea at home.”

For more information, visit

We hope you enjoy this podcast.