The Simple Mission Podcast

The Simple Mission Podcast

83. Don’t Compare Your Spouse To Others – Fight Discontentment (marriage series #6)

November 21, 2023

This is a really crucial episode in order to have a thriving marriage. We feel like this is a silent struggle for many married couples, comparing your spouse to others. We would take it even further and say this is more prevalent in women due of social media but also for men as well.

The thing is we cannot put the blame on other people for making us feel resentful or bitter - it is not up to them to make you feel ok with your life. It all goes back to your heart and the way you truly view your spouse. Is it with love and grace? Or comparison, resentment, and discontentment?

There are all kinds of ways to be discontented in your marriage, but we are not saying that you have to be joyful even if they never do anything. It is okay to communicate your feelings to them but you have to approach it in the right way and with a right heart. 

Figure out where the discontentment towards your spouse is coming from. The thing is - they may just not know. But, it is not fair to them to compare to them when they do not know you are dealing with the comparison trap and discontentment. If it is truly stemming from social media, you may have to unfollow people, take a social media break, or even delete your apps/accounts for a season or forever. 

However, we feel like we only begun to scratch the surface on the subject of comparison within marriage, but we hope you have enjoyed this episode as part of the thriving marriage series and gave you something to think and pray about!

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