The Simple Mission Podcast

The Simple Mission Podcast

76. WE’RE PREGNANT + What We are Surrendering In Our Life (Mid-Year Check)

July 27, 2023

We are back after a 9-month hiatus! We have good reason though...we found out we are pregnant and life has changed so much since then. We share updates on our pregnancy so far, when baby is due, our 3-year journey of getting pregnant, & our thoughts on becoming parents.

Also, since it is July, it's about the mid-point of the year so let's check in-- how has your 2023 been going so far? We've already passed the 200 days mark of 2023! Time is literally flying by. We know that sometimes it is time to evaluate, pray, and surrender certain areas of your life over to God. We share our thoughts on what we are surrendering, changing, and how we will be slowing down and taking Sabbaths, especially being inspired by a book we read together, The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry by John Mark Comer.

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