Loving The Work You Do

Loving The Work You Do

The Grief Series with Patience Rowe, Losing A Mom, and A Dear Friend, Depression, Process Over Productivity and Individuating At a Young Age.- #013

February 11, 2021

Patience Rowe also known as Patience Sings is a creator, actress, vocalist, certified Reiki practitioner, and writer native to Washington, D.C; a creative with a passion for the spoken word and sound healing. Patience is most recently recognized as the “Scat” of the Peace & Bodyroll Duo BOOMscat, the Director of Programs for Makers Lab – DC-based arts collective, an advocate for fat Black folx and Black mental health and grief. 

#PatienceSings who lost her mom and friend, managed her anxiety, came out of depression, wrote a play, identifies as queer, and is Nigerian. This conversation was one in which I resonated, because of my recent realization that I have been dealing with anxiety all my life without knowing it.

The grief, again of losing a parent is not something we can prepare for, for some of us a loss of any kind; home, spouse, relationship, friendship can lead to a deep depression. One of my biggest take away from my conversation with Patience was how she was able to describe what depression feels like, that “it’s similar to the grief ” she shared.

Grief, death, burial, covid, faith, strength

Why the Grief Series Podcast? Why talk about grief? 

Why the Grief Series Podcast? Why talk about grief? As early as March a lot of people lost someone they held dear to them, it wasn’t until October that I too was personally and permanently affected by a death. My life changed the day I found out my dad died. Like everything else I do, I decided I wanted to find out more and share my perspective and to hear from others. That’s how the grief series started, with one podcast episode as the goal, but as I spoke with people to find that one person to interview I quickly came to understand that GRIEF was very deep.

Who is today’s Podcast for, it really is for everyone who wants to find the tools to become better in all they do, to get to that higher version of themselves they were created to be? And this doesn’t mean that there is something wrong with those of us that aspire to be better, what we do know is that to do our highest work and to show up as our highest self we need to be self-aware.

A few of what we talked about.

  1. Share about your mom passing from breast cancer, then your friend passing too.
  2. We talked about how grief affected her depression.
  3. Your mom passed away in the hospital… is there anything you wished you knew that you didn’t before she passed away in the hospital.
  4. Identifying as Queer, share how you found yourself at a young age, what would you say to anyone struggling to define their own individuality.
  5. Her one-woman show called – good grief.
  6. When you say: process over productivity is your main takeaway of all the grief we’ve gone through in 2020 can you elaborate?

Where to find Patience:

Referenced Media and Resources on This Podcast Episode

To visit Patience  website – https://patiencesings.com/


You can listen to this episode on Apple Podcast, Spotify, Google Podcast, Amazon, Audible, type in LOVING THE WORK YOU DO.


Change Watch: Do This – Drop everything you are doing right now and call, text, or send a letter/postcard to someone you know who just lost someone.


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We are on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/4kO9bgeclWo6RTCrSJt9ui

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We are on Audible and Amazon Music too!!



The post The Grief Series with Patience Rowe, Losing A Mom, and A Dear Friend, Depression, Process Over Productivity and Individuating At a Young Age.- #013 appeared first on She Loves Good Things.