Loving The Work You Do

Loving The Work You Do

How Belonging Through Dignity, Honors You – With John Krownapple – #007

October 09, 2020

Today’s Podcast conversation is with Educator, Facilitator, Professor, Author, John Krownapple, whose career focuses on education, diversity, inclusion, equity, and social justice work.

John believes that we can help ourselves and others through inclusion, dignity, and belonging. And he does that by helping organizations learn and grow in the area of human relations.

Are you adding value to others?– John Krownapple

John’s 2nd book, which came out last year was co-authored with Floyd Cobb and is available on Amazon – https://www.amazon.com/Belonging-Through-Culture-Dignity-Implementation/dp/1950089029/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=john+krownapple&qid=1602289460&s=books&sr=1-1

Why The conversation on Belonging?

For one, I’ve never felt like I belonged anywhere, but at the same time, I feel it in my gut that I do belong everywhere.

With his new book, and the specificity of “Belonging” in the title I was just curious about how we could apply that to our children through the lens of diversity and inclusion.

I wanted to have this conversation with John who I met years back at a time when diversity and inclusion were a buzzword.

The framework of the work John does, even though is based on education, can actually be applied to any area of leadership, organization, or human relations.

Do you think this sounds like something you’ll love? If it does, come on In, pull up a chair, and let’s learn together. 

Who should listen to today’s Podcast? 

Today’s podcast is for the; caregiver, the divorced mom, the business owner, the friend, the community leader, the mom or the boss who wants to foster a community of belonging in their business, in their relationship with others and in their business. 

What we Talked About?

* In today’s conversation I asked John questions like;* Like how he landed in this equity work he currently does.* I asked him specifically how he knew this was the work he was called to do, and he shared how it happened – if you’re looking for the work you’re called to do you need to listen to some key moments he noted in the conversation.* I asked him to share what belonging would look like if one was in a relationship or place that reflected one.* How can we help a child honor their own belonging? Was one I was curious about.

And so many other juicy questions.

Referenced Media on This Podcast Episode

* To learn more about the work of Dr. Donna Hicks check out her book and website –  https://drdonnahicks.com/

* To learn more about the work of Dr. Brene Brown check out her book and website –  https://brenebrown.com/

* To learn more about the book mentioned follow link to Amazon – 


* To lean more about the origin of Whitney Houston’s song read this Wikipedia link –