Inside The Senior Alliance

Inside The Senior Alliance

Inside The Senior Alliance: National Alliance For Caregiving (Ep 45)

June 21, 2024

In this episode, Emma Case, Planning and Advocacy Specialist at The Senior Alliance, is joined by Toni Gingerelli, from the National Alliance for Caregiving. They talk about what the National Alliance for Caregiving is, and what kinds of services and support the NAC offers. You will find out about what a caregiver is, and how people become caregivers. We also learn about the latest survey of caregivers, and the changing demographics of age groups of caregivers, including how many more younger generations are having to become caregivers. They also discuss the advocacy work that NAC does on the Federal level to provide legislation and legal supports for caregivers around the nation, and how you can get involved in helping. Great information! Produced by The Senior Alliance, and Blazing Kiss Media

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