In the Arena

Phil M. Jones on Knowing Exactly What to Say in Your Sales Conversations – Episode #91
One of the most fundamental but overlooked pieces of any sales presentation is being confident in what to say to your prospect. It’s not about product features, though that’s necessary. It’s about understanding the way human beings work, how they listen, and how they naturally respond to specific language. Anthony’s guest on this episode is Phil M. Jones, author of “Exactly What To Say” - an incredibly practical book for salespeople that shows you the nuanced changes you can make to the things you say in order to turn negative or cold responses into positive and warm ones. You’ll be amazed at how insightful and helpful the book is. It’s one you could spend a few hours reading and apply immediately. You’ll get a taste for why the book is so practical by listening to this conversation.
Many people don’t have what they want because they are not doing the basics.
Phil M. Jones is an experienced sales leader who has worked hard to get where he is. He learned early on in his sales career that, in his words, he needed to “Do what he was told.” What he means is that many of the things he was being told by his sales trainers were tried and true fundamentals that would set him up for success. Phil says that in order to attain success in any field, you need to be brilliant at the basics, then get up and do it again tomorrow. Then do it again the next day. And the next. Phil has done that and in so doing has developed a keen understanding of how the words he says to prospects make a HUGE difference. He unpacks a small taste of how you can shift what you say to get better results, on this episode of In The Arena.
The sales decision takes a microsecond. Knowing what to say to get past it is key.
For many sales professionals, the most intimidating part of the sales presentation is asking for the sale. Will the prospect buy? Will they have objections? Will they have some reason they have to say “no?” Will they need to consult other decision-makers? Phil M. Jones has discovered that many times you don’t even have to ask for the sale. In fact, he says if you know what to say, many times you can assume the sale and move right past it to the follow up steps, and your prospect will happily go along because of how you’ve handled the situation. Sound too good to be true? You’ve got to hear Phil’s explanation on this episode.
Are you challenging your sales leads by the words you say? You should be.
When Phil M. Jones says that you should be challenging your sales prospects, he doesn’t mean in an arrogant, heavy-handed way. He means you should be phrasing the things you say in a way that makes it a challenge for your prospect to respond, the kind of challenge they want to rise to and meet. It’s an example of one of the nuanced ways you can adjust HOW you say what you say so that the response you get is more aligned with the direction you’re going in your sales conversations. Find out more from Phil as he chats with Anthony, on this episode of the podcast.
Do you know what to say in order to get referrals? Here’s a script that really works.
We’ve all been taught to ask for referrals. It’s part of what keeps leads coming in and the pipeline full. But Phil M. Jones believes that from a human psychology standpoint, most of what we’ve been taught in terms of what to say is askew. During this conversation, Anthony asks Phil to explain some of the nuanced changes he’s made to traditional sales scripts in order to dig deeper and understand the "why" behind Phil's sales effectiveness. He gives an exact referral script as an example and quickly demonstrates why his changes are so powerful. You won’t want to miss this one. It could make a difference in your day almost immediately.
Outline of this great episode
[2:53] Phil M. Jones: Anthony’s guest on this episode.
[8:02] Why many people don’t have what they want.