In the Arena

In the Arena

Episode 12 - On Success and Social Selling with Jill Rowley

April 27, 2013

Episode 12 – On Success and Social Selling with Jill Rowley is a post from: The Sales Blog | S. Anthony Iannarino

Jill Rowley is social selling evangelist. As one of the first 100 employees hired, as the Eloqueen at Eloqua, and now in her new role as a social media evangelist in sales enablement at Oracle, Jill is the perfect example of someone who possess the attributes that allow the social tools to work.

I speak with Jill about the early days of, success in sales before social selling, the value of curiosity and business acumen, the water cooler effect, salespeople as marketers, the value of perseverance when pursuing your dream client, standing out and connecting in a social world.