The Roots of Leadership Podcast

Dan Stanley – Living Your Legacy
Today we’re joined by Dan Stanley, expert in human development and performance, retired senior Army Commando, and coach – just to name a few!
Owner of ‘Better Men’, a business focused on enabling men to live a happier and healthier life, Dan’s journey has been anything but smooth sailing. During the darkest time in his life, Dan found himself in a suicidal state. Speaking candidly with us, he explains the depths of this time, and the collateral damage this created.
Following a conversation by chance on holiday, Dan made the decision to shut down the business he owned at the time, and within four weeks of landing back in the UK, began an eight month period of ‘time out’. Reflecting on the opinions he received following this decision, Dan highlights the importance and power of this period in his life.
Discussing fear, blueprint for success, and so much more, Dan’s message is as important as it is clear. Dial down the volume of your inner critic. Take off the masks. Create space and capacity for thought. Alone you’ll go faster, together you’ll go further.