The Roots of Leadership Podcast

The Roots of Leadership Podcast

Jemma McCarthy – Kindness is Key

January 15, 2021

Today, business leader and courageous thinker, Jemma McCarthy joins the show as she tells us about some of the incredible things she has achieved in her lifetime.

As a gifted athlete, professional photographer and community worker (alongside her full time job), it’s a wonder that Jemma finds the time to juggle all that she does. However, as her story unfolds, it’s clear that Jemma believes you have to grab what life has to offer with both hands as she talks about her experiences and how she came to that conclusion.

Following a car accident in 2018, Jemma was recovering at home from a carotid artery dissection, which caused some loss of vision. Not wanting to give up her beloved exercise, her main goal was to get back on her bike. She persevered and when out on her first outside cycle, she was involved in an accident with a van. Some may wonder how Jemma overcame such scary experiences in such a short space of time, but when listening to her talk, it’s clear. Her mindset and self-belief is the key.

When explaining why she’s so positive, Jemma talks about wanting to be a person that helps to make others’ days brighter. She’s a firm believer of being kind, and never forgetting when others have been kind to you. Jemma’s experiences have helped her gain a positive and strong mindset that she shares and passes onto others, to lift them up.

This episode will have you hooked from the offset, and refresh your outlook on life. Get ready for your ‘can-do’ attitude to have a complete overhaul!
