The Roots of Leadership Podcast

The Roots of Leadership Podcast

Dave Adams – Against All Odds

December 23, 2020

Today you’ll hear from Dave Adams, business leader, military veteran, and an individual who made an inspiring comeback when the odds were against him.

Speaking about his time in the military, Dave explains the various forms of leadership he was exposed to during his time in position, and on the battlefield. Understanding, adaptation and overcoming challenges, are all things Dave has harnessed, enabling him to become a successful leader in all areas of his life.

Dave’s experience in the military wasn’t without its challenges, perhaps provoking one of the hardest things for him to confront – his mental health. Speaking candidly with Anthony, Dave takes us through an experience in 2014, when he tragically lost an aircraft and five people, along with it. The emotion surrounding this experience is palpable, and Dave’s honesty around his battles with mental health illness following this incident, even after returning home, is testament to how far he’s come.

The journey on a new career path has been Dave’s opportunity to use the experiences gained from his hardships, to lead and help others. Aged just 16 when he joined the military, a new career may have seemed impossible for some, but in true Dave fashion, he’s made a home for himself in the world of insurance. Alongside this, he was the driving force behind a military resource group within Marsh, a space for people to learn from, and support each other.

This episode is emotional, thought provoking and above all, inspiring. Dave’s strength and resilience in the face of adversity serves as a reminder of the power within all of us.
