The Right Idea

The Right Idea Podcast – Episode 43 – Sergeant First Class Greg Stube (RET.)
Welcome to Season 4 of The Right Idea Podcast: “Fight for America.” Our country’s future is on the line and it’s time to do something about it. In this season, we’ll focus on building a better future for us all by fighting for America.
In this 7th episode of Season 4, we feature an interview with Retired Sergeant First Class Gregory Stube. Greg is a retired Green Beret who spent 23 years in the Army as a medic in the Special Forces. During Combat Operations in the Global War on Terror in 2006, Greg was wounded in Afghanistan during Operation Medusa. Greg’s wounds were severe and seemed fatal, but he survived – enduring 17 surgeries and an 18-month hospital stay. Our No Better Friend Corp. team was honored to host Greg in Neenah for our ‘Fight for America Rally’ this past Veterans Day, where we had about 500 people join us to hear his story.
Host: Kevin Nicholson, President & CEO of No Better Friend Corp.
Speakers: Retired Sergeant First Class Greg Stube, Army Green Beret
Producers: Darryl Carlson, Executive Director & Courtney Mullen, Communications Director