The Retirement Wisdom Podcast

The Retirement Wisdom Podcast

Practicing Retirement STILL – Mary Jo Hoffman

June 03, 2024


Retirement offers the opportunity to pursue new interests, hobbies and pursuits. But getting retirement right takes practice. How do you start? Mary Jo Hoffman shares her story of how a daily photography practice on her daily walks with her dog evolved, culminating in her new book STILL:The Art of Noticing.

Mary Jo Hoffman joins us from Minnesota.



Mary Jo Hoffman is the author of STILL:The Art of Noticing.  An aeronautical engineer-turned-artist, since beginning her artistic practice and founding the blog, STILL, she and her project have been featured in Martha Stewart Living and Better Homes & Gardens, among other publications, and she has collaborated with West Elm, Target, the United States Botanic Garden, and the Scottish National Opera

She is renowned for her unique and personal engagement with the natural world around her, primarily in North America’s Great Lakes bioregion and the iconic scrubland of Mediterranean France. Best known for her multi-year, ongoing project, “STILL,” she captures and posts one photo every day, on a white background, of a natural object found near her, whether leaves, flowers, seedpods, twigs, insects, or animals.

“STILL” images reflect Hoffman’s profound admiration for nature’s subtle, seasonal expressions. Her photography encourages viewers to pause and contemplate one thing at a time, to be still, if only for a moment, in a world of distracted hurrying from one thing to another. The project is an endorsement of the power of dailiness, and an invitation to re-see the too-often overlooked “infraordinary,” that surrounds us–those sights, sounds, and subtle changes that we think of as common and familiar, but which can come alive with delightful possibility when paid attention to.

Hoffman lives in Shoreview, Minnesota, on Turtle Lake, with her husband, Steve, a food writer and author, and her aging and indulged puggle, Jack, with whom she takes walks as often as possible, in woods and fields, and along lakeside trails, on the hunt for that day’s STILL blog subject.


For More on Mary Jo Hoffman


STILL:The Art of Noticing


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Wise Quotes

On Practicing Retirement

“…think about practicing for retirement. Put those pieces in place with the community, the hobbies, the interests, whatever you want to do. Start early enough to have those in place when you retire so that you don’t just one day walk out the door, and then you don’t know what to do with yourself. That struck a chord with me. So we are in France, the kids are in school, it’s the first free time in my adult life and I say to my, my husband who’s a tax preparer, but who also had creative ambitions. He was wanted always wanted to be a writer. I said, let’s practice for retirement. We have we have six hours a day between parent drop off and parent pickup. Let’s practice for retirement. So that was 2012. So 12 years ago what happened is I started a photo. So I came up with a project for myself is called a photo a day for one year. So it was a one year project to do a photo a day, which then resulted in this book that I just came out with.”

On Daily Practice

“If you’ve never done anything like a 100-day challenge. I have a 30-day challenge. I think 30 days is too short. I did a one year challenge that turned into a 12 year challenge. I highly recommend them. That’s why  I call it the sneaky superpower of daily –  of having a daily practice. The other one of the other things that that totally surprised me  was something an idea I call placefulness, which is it is this a really deep and nuanced knowledge and connection to my place.”

On Activities with Multiple Benefits

“You can call it intuitive wisdom. Whatever it is, I do think I stumbled into something very, very rewarding. Dumb luck or not, I think it highlights one of those key points about finding activities where you can get those multiple benefits from. You don’t need six things. You can find one that can give you two, three, four, five [benefits]. We’re talking about just being intentional. And then also we’re talking a little bit about narrowing down the things that you’re going to put your energy or your attention into to three, four or five things and not scattering your attention or your energy like confetti.”


About Retirement Wisdom

I help people who are retiring, but aren’t quite done yet, discover what’s next and build their custom version of their next life. A meaningful retirement doesn’t just happen by accident.

Schedule a call today to discuss how The Designing Your Life process created by Bill Burnett & Dave Evans can help you make your life in retirement a great one – on your own terms.

About Your Podcast Host 

Joe Casey is an executive coach who also helps people design their next life after their primary career and create their version of The Multipurpose Retirement.™ He created his own next chapter after a twenty-six-year career at Merrill Lynch, where he was Senior Vice President and Head of HR for Global Markets & Investment Banking. Today, in addition to his work with clients, Joe hosts The Retirement Wisdom Podcast, which thanks to his guests and loyal listeners, ranks in the top 1 % globally in popularity by Listen Notes, with over 1.2 million downloads. Business Insider has recognized Joe as one of 23 innovative coaches who are making a difference. He’s the author of Win the Retirement Game: How to Outsmart the 9 Forces Trying to Steal Your Joy.