The Retirement Wisdom Podcast

The Retirement Wisdom Podcast

The Four Pillars of a Successful Retirement – Scott Hanson

March 28, 2024

What will you be retiring to?

Don’t just wing it. Design it.

Join our next Design Your New Life in Retirement small group program starting on April 26th. There’s one spot left…


What lessons learned can you glean from a top financial advisor who’s helped many people successfully retire?

Scott Hanson, of Allworth Financial, joins us to share his insights and discuss the Four Pillars you’ll want to put in place to build the satisfying retirement you’ve earned.

Scott Hanson joins us from California.



Scott Hanson is a founding principal and Vice Chair at Allworth Financial.

A nationally recognized financial expert, he’s been named to Barron’s list of the Top 100 Independent Wealth Advisors  in America numerous times and has been listed as one of the 25 most influential people in the financial services industry nationwide.

For over 28 years, Scott has co-hosted Allworth Financial’s Money Matters, a call-in, financial topic radio program and podcast, making it one of the longest-running shows of its kind in America.

A frequent guest columnist for several national financial publications, Scott is the author of Personal Decision Points: 7 Steps to Your Ideal Retirement Transition and Money Matters: Essential Tips & Tools for Building Financial Peace of Mind.

In 2010, Scott was recognized as the Outstanding Philanthropist by the Association of Fundraising Professionals, California Capital Chapter, and has received the Distinguished Alumni Award from his alma mater, California State University, Chico. It 2021, he was recognized by Investment News as one of the 10 “Icons and Innovators” of the financial services industry nationwide.

In 2019, Scott was the inspiration behind the founding of Allworth Kids, which has provided laptops, overnight kits, and financial assistance to over 200,000 foster kids to date.

Scott and his wife Valerie reside in El Dorado Hills, CA and have four children.


For More on Scott Hanson

Allworth Financial

Allworth Financial’s  Money Matters


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Wise Quotes

On Work as an Option

“So I think it’s really important that people get to a point where retirement’s an option and where work is an option, not an obligation. When people get to that point where they have the financial independence, I think it changes their mindset and they can look at work a lot differently. They have other options available to them. And so for us, for financial advisors, it’s really about getting to that point where you’ve got that independence where you can choose your own future.”

On Planning for Life After You Retire

“A lot of people think ‘Well, as soon as I retire, I’m going to get rid of all my responsibilities and just going to have all kinds of blank space and a blank canvas to build from.’ That’s not always a very healthy way to approach retirement. I’ll never forget, years ago, I had a client, she was an executive, a CEO of a mid-size company with a couple of hundred employees, and she had done a nice job saving. She’d come in and we’d talk about her retirement preparedness. So we’re having the same conversation again – our annual review. And I said to her ‘Stacy, let’s assume you’re retired today. Tell me what your next few weeks look like. How are you spending your time?’ She says ‘What do you mean? ‘I said ‘Well, your entire career, you’ve been coaching people, mentoring people, you’ve been involved in strategic plans, you’ve been working as teams. What are you going to do in retirement to still have some of those activities? ‘And she sent me an email two weeks after our conversation and she said: Your questions haunted me. I realize I have a lot of work to do between now and retirement.


On The Four Pillars of a Successful Retirement

“These are the four pillars, briefly: Health and Wellness, and that’s people feeling fairly confident about their health. Second is Prosperity – it’s not about being rich, but it means being confident that you can maintain your current lifestyle going forward. The third is People. That’s having Meaningful Relationships in our life – maybe not tons of people. If you’re an introvert, maybe just one or two close friends who are really important to you. But with those people, interactions are important. And then the fourth thing is Purpose, having something in your life that is of value to you and of value to others. What are you here for? And the people that have been able to focus on those four and to spend some time in planning all each of those areas, they’re the ones that we find have the most successful retirements.”


About Retirement Wisdom

I help people who are retiring, but aren’t quite done yet, discover what’s next and build their custom version of their next life. A meaningful retirement doesn’t just happen by accident. Schedule a call to discuss how the Designing Your Life process created by Bill Burnett & Dave Evans can help you make your life in retirement a great one – on your own terms.

About Your Podcast Host

Joe Casey is an executive coach who also helps people design their next life after their primary career and create their version of The Multipurpose Retirement.™ He created his own next chapter after a twenty-six-year career at Merrill Lynch, where he was Senior Vice President and Head of HR for Global Markets & Investment Banking. Today, in addition to his work with clients, Joe hosts The Retirement Wisdom Podcast, which thanks to his guests and loyal listeners, ranks in the top 1 % globally in popularity by Listen Notes, with over 1.2 million downloads. Business Insider has recognized Joe as one of 23 innovative coaches who are making a difference. He’s the author of Win the Retirement Game: How to Outsmart the 9 Forces Trying to Steal Your Joy.


The views and opinions expressed by guests on The Retirement Wisdom Podcast are solely those of the guests and do not reflect the opinion of the host or Retirement Wisdom, LLC. The Retirement Wisdom Podcast primarily covers the non-financial aspects of retirement. From time to time we may invite guests who discuss other aspects of retirement planning, solely for educational purposes. Listeners are advised to consult qualified financial and/or medical professionals on those matters.
