The Retirement Wisdom Podcast

The Retirement Wisdom Podcast

What Can You Do in 11 Minutes? – Jeanne Lambin

November 30, 2023

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Planning for your retirement? You’ll be crafting a new story – the story of your future. Jeanne Lambin shares how storytelling and improv can help you bring imagination to planning your next chapter – and tells us about her program 11 Minute to Mars.

Jeanne Lambin joins us from Chicago.



Jeanne Lambin is a coach, trainer, facilitator, and storyteller. Her professional life and coaching practice have centered around helping individuals, groups, and organizations, find, tell, and live better stories. Intentional storytelling is an essential part of the life-design process because stories help us to make sense of our lives, the world, and our role in it. They help us name the change we want to bring. To help people discover and inhabit these stories of transformation, she creates carefully designed workshops, training, and coaching experiences nested in applied improvisation, storytelling, and creative experimentation.


For More on Jeanne Lambin


11 Minutes to Mars


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Wise Quotes

On Possibilities

“So one thing I sometimes do, rather than making a to-do list, is I make a list of things that are possible. And this can be anything from a practical thing of go for a walk to wildly impractical, buy a train ticket, buy a plane ticket, fly somewhere remote. And The Story Spine is actually a great way to combine these two things. So the reason why I make a Possible List is that it’s very easy to forget both in a rather mundane way what’s possible with all the choices that we have available to us, even though sometimes it might not feel like we have choices. And then also those wild things that we might not ever get, but kind of help that aspirational heart or that possible heart stay alive…So making that list of possibility is a way to keep that spirit alive and then coupling that with The Story Spine. So you take something from your possible list and then you go through once upon a time and every day, but one day. And because of that, and because of that, and because of that, until finally and ever since then, and you can write a little story about what would happen if this possibility became an actuality.”

On 11 Minutes to Mars

“It’s amazing how much and how little can be accomplished in just 11 minutes. But one of more interesting things that I’ve accomplished in 11 minutes is I’ve made an entire painting of an owl. So I did about a three foot, actually, yeah, about a two foot by three foot painting of an owl. I was on an owl kick for a while. I have sent emails that I have been putting off, sending for years, and finally just decided that this is the time that I’m going to do it. I have worked on writing chapters of a book that I’m working on. I’ve just decided that I want to send nice messages to a few friends and just say, Hey, I’m super happy that you’re in my life. I appreciate you. I have also done absolutely nothing where I’ve taken 11 minutes and just decided that I’m not doing anything. And it’s wonderful – and it’s horrible. And it’s also, I found when I have a list that feels overwhelming in the things that I need to do, that taking that 11 minutes just to pause and just to say, I can stop this. Maybe not forever because that’s not practical, but I can just take a pause and I cannot fill it with action. And it’s then working against that tendency that some of us have just to fill available time, 11 Minutes to Mars. The idea for that was hatched while I was watching the landing of the Mars Rover, and it was a live stream by NASA, and the commentator from NASA was just kind of filling the airtime. And what she said is that we were going to wait for a while because it would take 11 minutes for the radio signal or the signal to travel between the Earth and Mars to find out if the rover had landed and made it to the surface. And I absolutely could not believe this fact. It’s so fathomable unfathomable, but at one hand that we can see 11 minutes later something that happened on the surface of another planet that’s millions of miles away. And so it got me thinking, if it’s possible for the signal to travel between the Earth and Mars and 11 minutes, then what else is possible? And so what I did is I got a group of people together, and the charge was quite simple, is you say what it is that you’re going to do, you do it, and then you reflect on that experience of doing, because a lot of times there’s things that we have to do, but we might not think about how we want to feel or why it is that we’re doing this thing. And by simply reflecting on how our experience of time unfolded, it gives us a lot of insights about what our experience of time is and how we can make it more aligned with what we want to be. So the idea with 11 Minutes to Mars is that it brings together our attention and our intention so that we can align our time and spend it on things that matter. And the way this works in the practical and tactical sense is I bring a group of people together once a day, every day for 11 days, and at the beginning, and it’s a virtual experience. So at the beginning there’s a short check-in of here’s an idea about time, here’s a way to play with time, and then here’s our sprint. So you say what it is you’re going to do, you do it, and you reflect on that experience. It’s a small group, so it’s also like a small group coaching where you hear what other people are doing and what other insights occur. And then after 11 days, you’re done. You get your certificate, you have the method, and then you also, there’s also retreats and other things once you’re part of the Mars community that you can be a part of.”


About Retirement Wisdom

I help people who are retiring, but aren’t quite done yet, discover what’s next and build their custom version of The Multipurpose Retirement.™

A meaningful retirement doesn’t just happen by accident.  It takes more than a vision. Schedule a call today to discuss how The Designing Your Life process created by Bill Burnett & Dave Evans can help you make your life in retirement a great one on your own terms.

About Your Podcast Host 

Joe Casey is an executive coach who also helps people design their next life after their primary career and create their version of The Multipurpose Retirement.™ He created his own next chapter after a twenty-six-year career at Merrill Lynch, where he was Senior Vice President and Head of HR for Global Markets & Investment Banking. Today, in addition to his work with clients, Joe hosts The Retirement Wisdom Podcast, which thanks to his guests and loyal listeners, ranks in the top 1 % globally in popularity by Listen Notes, with over 1 million downloads. Business Insider has recognized Joe as one of 23 innovative coaches who are making a difference. He’s the author of Win the Retirement Game: How to Outsmart the 9 Forces Trying to Steal Your Joy