The Remnant with Jonah Goldberg

The Remnant with Jonah Goldberg

The Democrat Deficiency

February 15, 2024

Once again, Jonah has abandoned his Remnant duties to spend the week nibbling on sponge cake while watching the sun bake. Fortunately, Chris Stirewalt, America’s favorite simple country pundit, is on hand to take control of the program. He’s joined by Ruy Teixiera, author of Where Have All the Democrats Gone? and a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, to discuss what the wretched state of our parties could mean for the 2024 election. The GOP has spent the last decade having an extended nervous breakdown, so why haven’t the Democrats used this opportunity to become the dominant party? For that matter, why can’t Democratic candidates get a grip on working class voters? And why can’t all politicians just be normal?

Show Notes:

- Ruy’s AEI webpage

- Ruy’s Substack, The Liberal Patriot

- Ruy’s latest book, Where Have All the Democrats Gone?

- Ruy’s The Emerging Democratic Majority

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