The Q Filmcast

The Q Filmcast

Episode 61 : CORIOLANUS / Top 3 Uncompromising Movie Characters

September 27, 2014


Hard Sub said it was coming, and this week we finally get there. It’s full on Shakespeare as we take on the (2011) Ralph Fiennes directed adaptation of his lesser known anti hero piece     CORIOLANUS  A solid cast that includes Gerard Butler, Brian Cox, Jessica Chastain and Vanessa Redgrave brings us the tale of Caius Martius ‘Coriolanus’ (played by Fiennes), a revered and feared Roman General is at odds with the city of Rome and his fellow citizens. Pushed by his controlling and ambitious mother Volumnia to seek the exalted and powerful position of Consul, he is loath to ingratiate himself with the masses whose votes he needs in order to secure the office. When the public refuses to support him, Coriolanus’s anger prompts a riot that culminates in his expulsion from Rome. The banished hero then allies himself with his sworn enemy Tullus Aufidius to take his revenge on the city. We round it all out with our Top 3 “Uncompromising Movie Charactersâ€â€¦ and we won’t compromise on that.