The Q Filmcast

The Q Filmcast

Episode 43 : DR. STRANGELOVE / Top 3 Movie “Presidents”

May 24, 2014
Hide under your desk! This week we’re discussing the MUCH loved (1964) Stanley Kubrick Classic Dr. STRANGELOVE (or how I stopped worrying and learned to love the bomb)… with the Cuban Missile Crisis fresh in viewers’ minds, the Cold War at its frostiest, Stanley Kubrick dared to make a film about what could happen if the wrong person pushed the wrong button - and he decided to play it for laughs (well at least on the surface)! Dr. Strangelove’s jet-black satire and a host of superb comic performances (including three from Peter Sellers) have kept the film fresh and entertaining, even as its issues have become slightly less timely.It goes something like this… Loaded with thermonuclear weapons, a U.S. bomber piloted by Maj. T.J. “King†Kong (Slim Pickens) is on a routine flight pattern near the Soviet Union when they receive orders to commence Wing Attack Plan R, best summarized by Maj. Kong as “Nuclear combat! Toe to toe with the Russkies!†On the ground, Capt. Lionel Mandrake notices nothing on the news about America being at war. Gen. Jack D. Ripper calmly informs him that he gave the command to attack the Soviet Union because it was high time someone did something about fluoridation, which is sapping Americans’ bodily fluids (and apparently has something to do with Ripper’s sexual dysfunction). Meanwhile, President Merkin Muffley meets with his top Pentagon advisors, including super-hawk Gen. Buck Turgidson (George C. Scott), who sees this as an opportunity to do something about Communism in general and Russians in particular. However, the ante is upped considerably when Soviet ambassador de Sadesky informs Muffley and his staff of the latest innovation in Soviet weapons technology: a “Doomsday Machine†that will destroy the entire world if the Russians are attacked… And so what do you think they just might do? All of that PLUS our Top 3 “Movie Presidentsâ€. 
