The Profitable Photographer
140: Colby McLemore-Referrals Are The Key To Building Your Small Business
The amazing Tennessee Photographer, Colby McLemore is a Master Craftsman Photographer and commercial photographer and videographer. He prides himself on exceptional storytelling, has won more awards than he feels he deserves, but less than others, including the Kodak Award, Fuji Award, a Gold Triangle, and an ASP State Award. He also loves to teach and inspire other photographers to be their best.
In our conversation, we discussed the keys to building up small photography businesses through referrals.
Colby shared that his new photography goals are:
-Consistent Habits
-Referral Marketing
These goals are helping Colby build up his business and can help you too!
To get started on your own Referral Marketing strategy, Colby shares the 4 Cornerstones of Referral Marketing are:
1. Don’t suck at what you do! Deliver quality, excellent work
2. Help your clients crystallize in their minds what they like about you and your work
3. Ask for referrals and testimonials consistently over time
4. Stay visible through newsletters and social media
Those steps don’t seem like too much to do! But, Colby stresses that in order for this strategy to actually work, you have to put in the work week after week to stay consistent in your habits.
You can learn more by listening to our conversation!
Connect with Colby:
Phone–(865) 924-1455
Address–Colby's Photos & Videos.
503 Clinch Ave #101
Knoxville, TN 37902
Linked In–'s-photography/
Also, be sure to download my free gifts on