The Profitable Photographer

098: Joey Thomas-Why People Buy
Joey Thomas is an award-winning, nationally published entrepreneur, photographer, speaker, and educator. He is co-owner of Serendipity Albums and owner of both Joey T Photography and Mastercrafted Workshops.
His background in psychology and education gives him a unique understanding into the “WHY” of sales and business and he loves to share that insight with all small business owners both in and outside of photography. For those of us with photography businesses, this info is super valuable
He shares his wisdom on the psychology of why people buy. He sums it up in what he calls the Four Corners of Perceived Value. Those are
1. Brand identity and messaging behind it
2. The Client experience
3. Intelligent pricing
4. The Sales Process and what we offer as products and prints beyond digitals.
He leaves you with this final thought…that you are worth what you believe FIRST and then what your clients believe!
Be sure to watch this webinar from Joey
Clubhouse: @JoeyThomas22